
Connect it with IoT!

 Internet of Things (IoT) is something that gives machines the ability to communicate with each other. What is IoT? IoT is a giant network of connected devices. These devices gather and share data about how they are used and the environment in which they are operated. Sensors play an important part in the working of it. It is embedded in every physical device.  Therein, it provides a common platform for these devices to dump their data and a common language for all these devices to communicate with each other.   The common platform receives this data, performs a few analyses, and valuable information is extracted as per requirement. What all can IOT be called as IoT devices? Literally, everything can be transformed into an IoT device from the socks that we wear to any large machine that can be transformed into an IoT device, the only prerequisite being that it should be connected to the internet so that we control it or to access any information from it. How IoT works? An IoT system is

Snap into a RPA!

Robotic Process Automation(RPA) - as the name suggests, it is the automation of processes by a robot. Is it just that? No, not completely. Its much more than that! What is RPA? RPA is a computer software which can mimic actions typically performed by humans interacting with digital systems to execute business processes. It is a software which allows humans to automate the manual, boring, repetitive tasks which else done by humans, is done by robots, so that can do something which is more efficient or productive. How is it different from traditional automation? Traditional automation involves programming APIs and integrating tools to integrate different systems where as RPA mimics the actions of a user at the User Interface Level. In traditional automation, the developer needs to have a good understanding of the target system, but in case of RPA, as long as the bot can exactly follow the steps, the developer need not worry about the underlying complexities.   What all can RPA do? Well,

Don’t just automate — Hyper automate

What is hyper automation? Hyper automation brings together several components of process automation, integrating tools and technologies that amplify to automate work. Hyper Automation consists of automating all business processes where we have to en corporate prediction,handle the exceptions, and thus build more intelligence into the system.If we want to en corporate Hyper Automation we have to not only think of applying rules but then we will have to en corporate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.  How is Hyper automation different from Regular automation? When we think of automation, terms like RPA come to mind.But, hyper automation takes an ecology of technologically advanced tools and combines them to create a new way to work.  It means that low-value tasks are optimally performed with automation tools,machine learning and advanced Artificial Intelligence so that the outputs can be produced automatically and run efficiently with little or no human intervention. Then to