Don’t just automate — Hyper automate

What is hyper automation?

Hyper automation brings together several components of process automation, integrating tools and technologies that amplify to automate work.

Hyper Automation consists of automating all business processes where we have to en corporate prediction,handle the exceptions, and thus build more intelligence into the system.If we want to en corporate Hyper Automation we have to not only think of applying rules but then we will have to en corporate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 

How is Hyper automation different from Regular automation?

When we think of automation, terms like RPA come to mind.But, hyper automation takes an ecology of technologically advanced tools and combines them to create a new way to work. 
It means that low-value tasks are optimally performed with automation tools,machine learning and advanced Artificial Intelligence so that the outputs can be produced automatically and run efficiently with little or no human intervention. Then together with humans,hyper automation can create a workplace that is always informed,agile and able to use data and insights for quick and accurate decision making.

Basically,hyper automation is a step above Robotic Process Automation(RPA).It starts with Robotic Process Automation(RPA) at the core,and expands automation capability with Artificial Intelligence (AI), process mining, analytics, and other advanced tools.

Robotic Process Automation(RPA)

Robotic Process Automation(RPA) is a software that helps a human automate a manual process.It automates prebulit processes for the human.It is driven by process.
It is a way to automate the boring,repetitive tasks which else done by humans,is done by robots, so that humans can concentrate on something more efficient or productive. 
It targets those processes that are repetitive,rule based, highly manual,and those which have low exception rate.
Every process that RPA automates must be explicitly programmed by a human before hand so that the robot doing the automating knows exactly what to do.

Artificial Intelligence(AI)

The goal of Artificial Intelligence is simulate intelligence. It enables a machine to think.Unlike RPA which is process driven, AI is data driven.
The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain and create systems that can function intelligently and independently. It is a machine which can learn on its own and solve problems.
It is becoming essential in today's time because it can solve complex problems in an efficient way in multiple industries, such as Healthcare,finance,etc. AI is making our daily life more comfortable and fast.

Process Mining

Process mining is a technique to analyze and monitor processes.It gives an X-Ray vision of whats really going on in the processes.
In traditional business process management, it is done with process workshops and interviews, which results in an idealized picture of a process. 
Process mining, however, uses existing data available in corporate information systems and automatically displays the real process.

Benefits of hyper automation

1. The processes are automated.
2. The workforce can engage to provide creative solutions to the problems rather than being bogged down by low-level,repetitive tasks.
3. Increased customer satisfaction
4. Greater productivity and reduced risk.
5. Instant and accurate insights.

Chris Brown, the COO of Intelygenz, a company that leads this field, believes that if hyper automation is applied correctly,efficiently,can have an exponential impact on the business outcomes. 

Hyper automation is all about total discovery,mapping and measurement of business processing followed by automating at a grand scale in order to extract as much efficiency, capacity and value as we can get to offer different capabilities in the market that would not have been possible without automation.


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