
Showing posts from June, 2020

Don’t just automate — Hyper automate

What is hyper automation? Hyper automation brings together several components of process automation, integrating tools and technologies that amplify to automate work. Hyper Automation consists of automating all business processes where we have to en corporate prediction,handle the exceptions, and thus build more intelligence into the system.If we want to en corporate Hyper Automation we have to not only think of applying rules but then we will have to en corporate Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.  How is Hyper automation different from Regular automation? When we think of automation, terms like RPA come to mind.But, hyper automation takes an ecology of technologically advanced tools and combines them to create a new way to work.  It means that low-value tasks are optimally performed with automation tools,machine learning and advanced Artificial Intelligence so that the outputs can be produced automatically and run efficiently with little or no human intervention. Then to